£120.00 GBP

Become a Feelings Detective® 6-week ONLINE course for children age 7-9 years

This unique and engaging curriculum is designed to help children aged 7-9 years old, learn how to N.A.M.E their feelings in healthy ways, standing for Notice, Accept, Manage, and Express. Delivered by the award-winning children's mental health service Sunny Kids Shine Ltd.
The program uses the Feelings Detective® method—a light-hearted and engaging approach to introduce children to the complex world of emotions, making BIG feelings child-size.
Through a range of interactive activities, practical resources and reflective activities, your children will learn how to become more attuned to their emotions and the feelings of others.
The curriculum:
Week One
We are getting to know the clues to our feelings and the feelings of others. Thinking about feelings in terms of facial expressions, body language, and behaviours, learning to label and identify them, building self-awareness, acceptance, and empathy.
Week Two
Putting feelings into context, we consider why our feelings may have come to the surface. There are no good or bad feelings, but sometimes, the thoughts and behaviours we attach to our feelings can be helpful or unhelpful making the feelings bigger or smaller. Through this session, we explore some techniques that will help us feel more in control and make healthy choices in the future.
Week Three
This session is all about understanding healthy relationships, including making and maintaining healthy personal boundaries. We start to build intrinsic motivation with the understanding that when we feel good on the inside, it shines on the outside.
Week Four
We are exploring our internal feelings and volcanoes and building emotional self-regulation and impulse control. We learn what it looks like when we are grounded and feeling good inside. We learned how we see that we are starting to bubble and what happens when our volcano erupts. We then think about things we can do to spot and pop the bubbles to avoid erupting and return to feeling grounded.
Week Five
Learning how to look after our feelings and the feelings of others. This is about looking after our emotional cups and filling the cups of others. This session explores social skills, prosocial behaviours, kindness, and how to effectively communicate our thoughts, feelings, wants, needs, and wishes, particularly during conflict.
Week Six
The importance of sharing our superpowers and shining our light. This session is all about bringing the learning together and realising that our feelings are just as individual as we are. Celebrating everything that we have learnt and all that we are.
Your instructor Jodie Smart founded Sunny Kids Shine® and the Feelings Detective® curriculum in 2018 using over a decade of experience, knowledge and understanding in children's Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) development, needs and difficulties.
The Feelings Detective® program stands out for its preventative, educational, and interventional capabilities, successfully helping over 90% of its participants. It's therapeutically crafted to prepare children and families to face everyday challenges and manage emotional difficulties in healthy ways, with a continual focus on recognising and nurturing each child's unique emotional landscape.
Over the past two years, between 2021 and 2023, we have supported over 400 families through our one-to-one and group programs. Here are the statistics from Child and family feedback received during this period:
86% say it improved confidence and self-esteem.
91% say it improved their relationships with family and friends.
89% say it improved their learning and overall school life.
97% feel more comfortable talking about their feelings.
97% experience reduced BIG feelings, are calmer and happier.
95% rated the overall experience 4/5, with five being outstanding or above, and would recommend us to one of their friends.
98% of clients come to us through recommendation and referral.
Set your children up for success with a secure foundation to help them SHINE through school and beyond, equipped with an emotional toolbox to foster Self-awareness, Healthy habits, Independence, Nurturing qualities and Emotional intelligence.

By signing up for this service, I want you to know that you agree to our privacy policy, terms and conditions and safeguarding policy, which can all be found via the website under 'our terms and policies. https://sunnykidsshine.com

What People Are Saying:

Would 100% recommend Sunny Kids Shine for children struggling with their feelings. Jodie took the time to understand our daughters struggles and battle with her daily emotional overload. Our daughter is now in a much better place having finished her Feelings Detective Course. She can understand and articulate her feelings to us in a much healthier way. She has learnt to talk about how she is feeling, before feelings get too big and result in a huge emotional outburst. We have a much happier daughter (with happier calmer parents too). Thank you xx

S Landau via Google

Jodie was a wonderful help to us when our child was really struggling with their emotions. Our child spent much of their first year at primary school in lockdown and as a result of that, found their transition into year one exceptionally challenging. As parents we really struggled to know how to manage the situation and to help our child. We took Jodie’s feelings detective course and throughout the course Jodie was kind, caring and compassionate. We noticed an enormous difference in our child’s confidence and ability to manage their emotions as a result of the course and cannot thank Jodie enough!

A Chaloner via Google

I did the Feelings Detective course offered by Jodie at SunnyKids shine so that I could understand my 6yr old son's emotional outbursts and help him to resolve his negative feelings.It was a wonderful experience for me to have Jodie walk me through the process of helping him identify his feelings and manage them. It was empowering for my son to see how he can be in control of his own emotions. He's getting better at it and I can see an improvement. It also made me realise that early intervention in mental health issues will make a huge impact when he's older dealing with more complex issues. So glad I found your services Jodie!

P Arthur via Google