Our award-winning curriculum

Our Feelings Detective® curriculum is made up of 6 unique phases. Each phase has been carefully designed to equip children with the tools they need to SHINE through school and beyond, with Self-awareness, Healthy habits, Independence, Nurturing qualities and Emotional intelligence.

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Phase One - we start by getting to know the clues to our feelings and the feelings of others. Thinking about facial expressions, body language, and behaviours - building self-awareness, acceptance, and empathy.

Phase Two - by putting feelings into context, we consider why our feelings may have come to the surface. There are no good or bad feelings, but sometimes, the thoughts and behaviours we attach to our feelings can be helpful or unhelpful—making the feelings bigger or smaller. Through this session, we start to build healthy habits that will help us feel more in control and able to make healthy choices in the future.

Phase Three -is about understanding, making and maintaining healthy relationships and personal boundaries. We start to build independence through intrinsic motivation with the understanding that when we feel good on the inside, it shines on the outside. This session also covers how to effectively communicate our thoughts, feelings, wants, needs, and wishes, particularly during conflict. 

Phase Four - is all about exploring our internal feelings volcano, building emotional self-regulation and impulse control.  

Phase Five - builds nurturing qualities teaching children how to look after their own feelings and the feelings of others. This session builds on social skills, encouraging prosocial behaviours and kindness.

Phase Six - the importance of sharing our superpowers and shining our light. This session is all about bringing the elements of learning and building emotional intelligence together, helping children realise that our feelings are just as individual as we are. It's a real celebration of everything that we have learnt to date and all that we are.  

Bespoke 1:1 Support

Our bespoke 1:1 package is a highly personalised approach, tailored specifically to meet the individual needs of each child and family. This type of support is available online via Zoom and can be crucial in helping children navigate challenges related to their mental well-being, social dynamics, family issues and even trauma.

Initial Consultation Process

We offer a free initial consultation via Zoom, preferably at a mutually convenient time when you can be away from your child, so that we can both speak openly and honestly.

Personalised Action Plan 

A unique support plan is crafted to suit your child's individual needs, preferences and learning style. This could involve play activities, interactive, colourful resources, art and craft, role-play or other methods that would be most effective for your child. Regular check-ins and adjustments to the support plan ensure it remains relevant and effective.

Building Trust and Connection

The relationship between the child and the Mindful Emotion Coach is built on trust and consistency. Emotional support is most effective when the child feels safe and understood, so creating a secure environment is paramount. The onboarding process includes an introductory welcome letter and "hello" session via Zoom to ease children in. Sessions can also be tailored to ensure that we are always working at your child's pace and that they are secure in one phase of learning before we proceed to the next.

Specialised Therapeutic Approaches

Play Therapy: For younger children, play is often the primary mode of communication. We may use toys, games, and other activities to help children learn how  to N.A.M.E. their feelings in healthy ways which stands for Notice, Accept, Manage and Express.

Art Therapy: Creative activities like drawing or painting allow children to express emotions that they may not yet have the words to describe.

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT might be used to help children recognise negative thought patterns and develop healthier habits and coping strategies.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Mindfulness exercises can help children manage BIG feelings like anxiety and build emotional resilience.

Parental Involvement

We always work with parents or guardians to ensure the child receives holistic support. Parents may be offered guidance on how to reinforce coping strategies at home or how to respond to emotional challenges the child might be facing.

School Integration

In some cases, emotional support is extended into the school environment, ensuring that the child's emotional needs are met in their academic life as well.

 If you are considering bespoke 1:1 support for your child, please get in touch to book a free initial consultation today. 

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6-Week Group Courses

Our 6-week group courses are for children aged 7-9 years old and run every half-term on a Monday, from 4pm-5pm at The Hive at the Jim McDonald Centre, Hatfield, Hertfordshire. 

Group sessions offer children the opportunity to receive support addressing a range of personal, social, emotional and behavioural issues. One of the key benefits are that children learn from both the coach and their peers as they navigate the group dynamics, model and learn from one another.

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Pay-As-You-Need Power Hours

Our pay-as-you-need options offer flexible and convenient 1:1 support as required. Simply book and pay for your sessions as and when required.

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